Terrace Tiles
Pattern makes up nicely into any size you would like but instructions show you what you need for 3 d..
The Crossing
The Crossing is a pre-cut friendly, scrappy pattern using 2½” strips and 5” squares. This pattern is..
The Eleanor Wristlet
The Eleanor Wristlet and Needle Keeper Sewing Pattern creates two cute designs for WIP knitting an..
The Quilted Scarecrow
Please choose a pattern or the kit prior to adding it to the cart.While he may seem too cute to scar..
The Scrappiest Quilt
50" x 64" when finished, this will eat up a bunch of your scraps. Need 1.5 yards background fa..
To The Point Quilt Pattern
We love this triangle To The Point Quilt Pattern designed by Cluck Cluck Sew! A perfect pattern t..
Topsy Turvey Quilt Pattern
Topsy Turvey - 3 Yard Quilt PatternWith this economically-priced pattern, you simply take 3, one-yar..
Using 3 one yard cuts of fabric, you will be able to achieve this 43" x 61" quilt top. Single fold b..
Trim the Tree III
Create 6 foundation pieced Christmas trees with this pattern and enclosed foundation tissue. 3..
$4.50 $6.95
Twisted Stars
Finishing 58" x 70" Use the Creative Grids Half Rectangle Trim Tool CGRDH6 to make this 5..
Twister 5 Yard Quilt
Measuring 59" x 68", it needs 5 one yard cuts of fabric to create the top and 5 for the back...
Velocity 5 Yard Quilt Pattern
Choose 5 fabrics at one yard a piece to make up this quilt that will measure 57" x 79"..
Versatile Wave
Ruthann’s best selling purse pattern has so much to offer! Create a purse base, and then rever..
Find a panel you love, add 2 one yard coordinates and create a quilt top that measures 43" x 52"..
Quilt Top finishes to 46.5 x 61.5" as per pattern. Needs 17 FE'ths, 1.5 yards worth of green fabric,..
Walk About
Unusual, Quick and Very Easy. Time to go for a stroll in your own private garden. Highlight your fav..
Welcome Home
Our simple banners stay in place all year round - just change the month or the season by replacing t..
Will E Melt plus Buttons
Pattern only makes up into a 12 x 32" wall hanging plus a bonus pattern for a mug rug. Buttons..
Yellow Brick Road Quilt Pattern
Yellow Brick Road, Atkinson Designs, DIY Quilt Pattern in 6 sizes, FQ FriendlyDesigned by Terry Atki..